Thursday, August 7, 2008

What's going on with Heather??

Well, my parents are now back from Virginia. They got back at 8:30pm on Sunday. They were orginally suppose to come in at 11PM, but their flight got changed. I liked it better anyway at 8:30 Ü So, now I am back at my apartment. I feel like I haven't been there for weeks. During the 24th-26th I was at Lake Lyman, then on the 28th-3rd I was at my parents house. Then Monday I had a concert and Tuesday I was at parents hanging with them. I usually go to my parents house every Sunday, but since they weren't here last Sunday and this Sunday I will be busy, I figured I would hang with them Tuesday. So, last night was the first night I actually felt like I was back. What did I do all night?? LAUNDRY! Considering it had been almost 2 weeks since I did it. I figured I needed clean clothes LOL I also watched So You Think You Can Dance. I want Josh or Twitch to win. Normally I don't vote. I think the only season I voted was when Benji won, which was Season 2. Because I couldn't decide on which one I wanted to win and voted for both. I figured I helped both of them and the rest of America can decide for me.

Tonight I have Baptisms for the Dead, tomorrow night I have a movie night with my ward and another one. Then Saturday I am going to Mt. Timp. with my ward the same ward I will be with Friday night. We are going to the caves, not actually hiking the mountain. Thank goodness! Then Sunday is my friend Sandee's brothers farewell at 1 then a lunch after. Then at 6 I am going with one of my best friends to get her patriarichal (did I spell that right?) blessing. She doesn't have any family that is LDS so she asked me to go. I feel honored! I guess I do have a lot going on.

I think it's funny that sometimes you think you are going to be bored during the Summer without school, but then you think back at everything you have done, and you are pretty busy. I don't know one person who could say that they didn't do anything during the Summer. Sadly, it's now coming to an end. Aug 25 school starts, well technically the 26 for me since I have classes Tuesdays and Thursdays. Then I will be really busy and hoping it was Summer again. I hope you all enjoy these last few weeks of Summer! I know I will sure try! Ü

1 comment:

April Annie said...

Ha Ha...I didn't think we'd be CLIMBING that dang mountain either! If I knew we'd be hiking up "Mt. Everest Wanna-be" then I surely would have slept in! BUT!!! It was so worth it in the end! Don't you think!? YOU DID IT! See, you can do anything!? :)