Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sorry...It's Been A While

Hey all! Sorry I haven't posted anything for a while. I have been a little busy, so lets catch you up! Last week for the 24th of July holiday, I went up to Lake Lyman with my ward. We left on the 24th and got back on the 26th. We combined with another ward, but of course we didn't mingle. Everyone stayed with their own ward, except for the fireside. That fireside was amazing! We talked about how we should humble ourselves and not murmur like Laman and Lemuel. We also sang a few songs. The spirit was so strong, I will never forget that night. We also did Friday night, our last night there, so it was a great way to end the trip. The only problem with going up to Lake Lyman is that I never sleep! If you have never been up there, the bunks are made of wood. You are sleeping on a hard surface, so you need to take padding. Well, I took padding, but it wasn't an air mattress. I took two foams, which didn't do much good. It was better then nothing, but still I could feel the hardness. Then there are chipmunks and squirells everywhere! So, I get nervous that they are going to crawl all over me. Hence, the no sleep for three days! It was still nice to just get away.

My parents are gone to Virginia, so I am house sitting and dog sitting (since I don't live with them anymore). They left yesterday morning. And when I say morning, I mean morning. We left our house at 4AM! I set my alarm for 3:30, but of course I woke up at 3 and was worried I would sleep in so I stayed awake. Then when I got home I tried to go back to sleep, but of course I couldn't. I figured I would go to bed early last night and try to catch up on my sleep, considering I haven't really slept for the past 5 days. Haha..that was a joke! I didn't fall asleep til about 1AM. The main problem was my dog...he moved all over the place! He had to be cuddled right up against. I do love it when he cuddles with me, since he never does, but I couldn't sleep because of him. Hopefully I will get use to him being there since my parents don't get til Sunday at 11PM. I guess we will just have to see how the rest of the week goes.

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